Niðurstöður 1 til 20 af 24
Titill, uppruni og aldur
Postula sögur; Iceland, 1700-1799
Helgisögur; Iceland, 1315-1335
Legends of Saints; Iceland, 1600-1650
Legends of Saints; Iceland, 1210-1250
Lives of Saints; Iceland, 1300-1350
Legends of Apostles; Iceland, 1250-1270
Lives of Saints; Iceland, 1300-1350
Lives of Saints; Iceland, 1450-1499
Legends of Saints; Iceland, 1150-1199
Jóns saga postola; Iceland?, 1600-1625
Philippus saga postola; Iceland, 1300-1325
Sagas of Apostles; Iceland, 1710-1712
Andreas saga postola; Iceland, 1400-1499
Lives of Saints; Norway, 1240-1260
Legends of Apostles; Iceland, 1250-1299
Lives of Saints; Iceland, 1330-1350
Lives of Apostles, Pilatus saga and Two Exempla; Iceland, 1697
Pétrs saga postola; Iceland, 1390-1410
Páls saga postola; Iceland, 1240-1260
Andreas saga postola; Iceland, 1490-1510