Written by Jens Davidsen.
„Gorm Franklands Qveaje“
„Djeve ljou uv luie aa“
„Qvóje heave e um tea alt“
CCF 50Bb. Føroya kvæði IIs. 199-217
„Tostans Qveaje“
„Vilja tid luia aa uv Ljouva djeva“
„hin ónda Ingegjer“
CCF 99Cb. Føroya kvæði IVs. 258-272
„Bretlands Qveaje“
„Nu gjeve e Ljou uv luie tearaa“
„Adlar Aavur til Enda“
CCF 69Bb. Føroya kvæði IIIs. 116-124
„Virgar Vealenson“
„Aina vait e Ruimena“
„Me listur ikkja longur eat ruima“
CCF 10Db. Føroya kvæði Is. 320-323
„Jogvan Kongs Qveaje“
„Tea vear han Haakun Jadl“
„Vear sear kongur loingje“
CCF 100Cb. Føroya kvæði IVs. 302-305
„Valen svein“
„Luie veal til uv ljouve aa“
„Ivur borgargórun taa“
CCF 102Bb. Føroya kvæði IVs. 323-333
„Gengerolfs Qveaje“
„Aina vait e Ruimena“
„Taaui Soulun vear ui Heav“
CCF 29Db. Føroya kvæði Is. 602-606
„Hermunds Qveaje“
„Aina vait e Ruimena“
„Hearfraa haim til Tuin“
CCF 65Bb. Føroya kvæði IIIs. 51-53
„Rea-als Qveaje“
„Rea-al Kongur aa Miglageare“
„Tea sómde veal tui Draingje“
CCF 82Bb. Føroya kvæði IIIs. 262-268
There is pagination in dark ink. Later foliation in pencil is found every tenth leaf.
The manuscript is written in a single column with between 56 and 64 lines per page.
Written lines correspond to poetic lines.
All of the ballads were likely written by Zacharias Michelsen.
The table of contents was written by Jens Davidsen.
Occasional marginal additions consisting of numbers are found written in pencil.
The manuscript is wrapped in thick brown paper. The front and back covers are two pieces, though appear to have originally been one piece.
There is a piece of archival paper wrapped around the binding. On it is written (in pencil): Acc. 4b folio pag. 1-94 Indeholder 9 kvad.
The manuscript was most likely written by the local schoolteacher Zacharias Michelsen on the island of Fugloy in the middle of the nineteenth century.
Belonged to V. U. Hammershaimb likely after 1855.
Came into the collection in 1909 with Hammershaimb's materials.
Catalogued 2. október 2019 by SDV.