„Incipiunt cronice slauorum edite a venerabli helmoldo | presbitero“
„Opere precium existimo in conscriptionis huis introitu aliqua de slauorum | prouincijs natura moribus hystorico“
„Et cohibiti sunt utcunque slaui a furtis et latrociniis“
Hic est finis cronice slauorum
The text corresponds to Schmeidler's edition of Cronica Slavorum .
„Prologus operis sequentis capitulum CXI“
„Domino et patri Philippo Raceburgensis ecclesie de antistiti Arnoldus servorum | Dei ultimus“
„ Dedit etiam ei sex domos filirinas secundum morem terre illius et sex camelos qui eas ferrent“
„Etc. queritur finis hujus opusculi anno 1472“
The text corresponds to Pertz's edition of Chronica Slavorum, pp. 9-25:4.
The initials are red.
A provenance note on the first leaf (1r): Detur dilecto fratri meo priorj Marquardo Holtzenij Ego Petrus Heyne possessor protestor de .
The binding was originally covered by written parchment taken from a missal in Latin and containing musical notation. This parchment has now been transferred to Accessoria 7 where it is catalogued as Access 7 a α hs 1, fols 23 and 29.
The manuscript was written in 1472.
A basic description based on Kålund's catalogue by EW-J on 22. september 1999.
Catalogued from the manuscript on 22. október 2018 by Katarzyna Anna Kapitan and N. Kıvılcım Yavuz.
Portraits of the front page, spine, opening of the book: fols 28v-29r taken 24. júlí 1998.
Supplementary photographs of the first fly-leaf v. 56v, last fly-leaf r-v, pastedown 2. september 1998.
New supplementary photographs from 2. september 1998 and 21.01.1999.
The manuscript was cleaned by Niels Borring and Iben Reither on 8. júní 1998.
Description by Katarzyna Anna Kapitan and N. Kıvılcım Yavuz on 22. október 2018.
The following surrogates are held at the Arnamagnæan Collection in Copenhagen: