Skráningarfærsla handrits

Acc. 7 a α

Missale Scardense ; Skarð á Skarðarströnd in Dalasýsla, Iceland, 1450-1475


Tungumál textans

Lýsing á handriti

58 leaves (57 + a fragment). ca. 380 mm x ca. 280 mm.
Tölusetning blaða
Modern foliation.

Written by two scribes, each of them have applied a separate size of written area and thus a separate number of lines per page.

Part I: On fols 1r-15r and 39r:19-58v the written area measures 280/290 mm x 190/195 mm and there are 32 lines or 16 staffs per page.

Part II: On fols 15v-39r:19 the written area measures 265/270 mm x 175/185 mm and the pages have 38 lines or 16 staffs per page.

Fols 15v and 39r, however, have 29 lines per page, while 17r, 18r, 24v and 26v have 27 lines per page.

Pricking in the outer margins can be seen where whole leaves are preserved.

The manuscript consists of fragments previously serving as binding for various manuscripts which have been identified and put together. All of the leaves are trimmed which means that the inner margins of most of the leaves are missing, often resulting in a loss of text.
Skrifarar og skrift
Written by two scribes, both called Jón Þorláksson. See Guðbjörg Kristjánsdóttir 2016.

The first hand, Jón í Langeyjarnesi, worked as a scribe in the period c. 1450-1478. He wrote fols 1r-15r and 41r-58v. He also added some corrections and wrote the rubrics of fols 15v-58v.

The other scribe, Jón á Hóli, wrote fols 15v-40v.


On fol. 6r a red, green and golden initial (six lines) featuring a palmette in red and blue is found.

On fol. 15v a large littera florissa in ten lines with foliage in gold, red, green and azure is found.

Part I features green, blue, red, ruby or gold lombards in one to five lines. Several have palmettes in a contrasting colour.

Part II has gold, blue, green or red lombards taking up two to five lines.

Red line fillers and rubrics.


Part I (1r-15r, 39r:19-58v): Square notation in black four-line staves with a clef; 40v-41v, however have a square notation in red four-line staves with a clef.

Part II (15v-39r:19): Square notation in red four-line staves with a clef. Recitation: c + s.

Spássíugreinar og aðrar viðbætur
Instructions for rubrication can still be seen in the margins.

Uppruni og ferill

The missal is written in Skarð á Skarðarströnd in Dalasýsla, Iceland (hence the name Missale Scardense) in the third quarter of the 15th centry.

Aðrar upplýsingar


Katalogiseret 23. apríl 2021 by EW-J. The catalogue text is based on Andersen 2008.


Höfundur: Attinger, Gisela
Titill: Nordic Latin Manuscript Fragments. The Destruction and Reconstruction of Medieval Books, Iceland and Norway: separate scribal cultures versus cultural exchange
Ritstjóri / Útgefandi: Heikkilä, Tuomas, Ommundsen, Åslaug
Umfang: s. 221-238
Höfundur: Eggen, Erik
Titill: , The Sequences of the Archbishopric of Nidarós I: Text
Umfang: XXI
Höfundur: Andersen, Merete Geert
Titill: , Katalog over AM Accessoria 7: de latinske fragmenter
Umfang: XLVI
Höfundur: Róbert Abraham Ottósson
Titill: , Sancti Thorlaci episcopi officia rhythmica et proprium missæ in AM 241a folio [Þorlákstídir]
Umfang: Supplementum 3
Höfundur: Guðbjörg Kristjánsdóttir
Titill: Gripla, Lýsingar í íslenskum handritum á 15. öld
Umfang: 27
Höfundur: Jón Þorkelsson
Titill: Íslenzkar ártidaskrár eða Obituaria Islandica með athugasemdum
Umfang: I-X
Höfundur: Andersen, Merete Geert
Titill: Colligere fragmenta, ne pereant,
Umfang: s. 1-35
Höfundur: Stefán Karlsson
Titill: Sex skriffingur,
Umfang: s. 36-43
Titill: Íslenzk þjóðlög
Ritstjóri / Útgefandi: Bjarni Þorsteinsson
Höfundur: Ólafur Halldórsson
Titill: Jónar tveir Þorlákssynir, Afmælisrit til Steingríms J. Þorsteinssonar 2. júlí 1971
Umfang: s. 128-144
Efni skjals
  1. Missal
