Manuscript Detail


AM 672 4to

Miscellany of Religious Literature ; Iceland, 1450-1499


1 (1r-55r)
Parva pars oculi dextri sacerdos
Language of Text
Old Norse
Text Class
1.1 (1r-v)
Tíu boðorð

hin firsta ef madr lygur

1.2 (1v-10v)
Um sjaufalda gipt heilags anda

This text is also preserved in AM 684 4to.

1.3 (10v-20v)
Um sjau dauasyndir
1.4 (21r-41r)
Um sjau sacramenta heilagrar kirkju
1.5 (41r-47v)
Penitetial for the Confessor
1.6 (47v-55v)
Casus reservati et casus majores

parua parſ oculi dextri ſacerdoteſ

2 (55r-v)
Bartólómeus saga postola
Text Class
3 (56r)
Barbǫru saga
4 (56r-v)
Um langaföstu hald
Text Class
5 (56v)
Guðspjallsgrein um sádmannin

Þorvaldur Bjarnason, Leifar fornra kristinna fræða Íslenzkra p. 188

Text Class
6 (57r-61r)

Kolsrud, Messuskýringar p. 57-64

Text Class
7 (61r-v)
Agǫtu saga

de sancta agatta

Text Class
8 (61v-62r)
Blasíus saga

af blasius

Text Class
9 (62r-v)
Nikulás saga erkibiskups

De Nicholao

Text Class
10 (62v)
Thómas saga postola

latu koma sel skínit gamall ok nyr prettari ok lat eigi frægd þína þiona prettum


A translation of John 20.24–31

Text Class
11 (63r-88v)
Theological Treatise

63r Nv er at tala


88v au er fyrr eru rtud


Master Remund is quoted several times.

Text Class
11.1 (63r-78r)
Um aflausn synda
11.2 (78r-80v)
Um rétta siðsemi

Extract from Hirðskrá.

11.3 (80v-82v)
Hugleiðingar dýrðar líkama
11.4 (82r-83v)
Hugleiðing um miskunn Guðs

Gvds miskunar

11.5 (83v-85v)
On Disrespect
11.6 (85v-88v)
On Repentance

Physical Description



No. of leaves
88. 180 mm x 125 mm

Rubrics in red ink. Initials in red and blue ink.


The manuscript begins and ends defectively; fol 83 has been excised, leaving only a small strip of vellum near the spine, and there are lacunae after fols 86 and 87. There are small holes in the parchment caused by mould.

Written by three or four scribes. Being written in a smaller script than the surrounding text, Widding assumes that the Guðspjallsgrein um sádmannin at the bottom of fol. 56v is a later addition by a fourth hand. Louis-Jensen, however, counts only three hands.

The first scribe wrote fols 1r-55r: Parva pars oculi dextri sacerdos.

The second scribe wrote fols 55v-62v. This scribe also wrote the following note on fol. 55v: les betur enn skrifat er kir fadir ok seg halfridi goda notth, and on fol. 56r: amen. jllt er blekit enn vera skrifit barbara. Louis-Jensen ( Louis-Jensen 1977 ) suggests that this Hallfríður could be identical with Hallfríður Þórðardóttir, cousin of the farmer Gísli Filippusson of Barðarströnd and possibly próventukona at Hagi.

The third scribe wrote fols 63r-88v.


Fols 63-88 are later additions. A note on fol. 62v reads: latu koma sel skínit gamall ok nyr prettari ok lat eigi frægd þína þiona prettum, indicating that the writer found the manuscript ready for binding.

On the bottom of fol. 86v, there is an drawing of a human head.

Accompanying Material
There is an AM-slip containing a list of contents.



Written in Iceland in the second half of the fifteenth century (Stefán Karlsson pers., see ONP).

Based on an idenfication of the Hallfríður mentioned on fol. 55v (see above) Louis-Jensen ( Louis-Jensen 1977 p. 150-153 ) suggests that fols. 55r-62v were written at the end of the fifteenth century, after 1479.

Kålund's dating: The fifteenth century ( Katalog II p. 82 ).


According to Árni Magnsson's account in AM 435 a, 4to, fol. 27v, the manuscript once belonged to Skálholt Cathedral: Bokin hefur fyrrum vered eign Skalholltskirkiu, þo alldri ſtadid i neinu regiſtre þar.


Record History

Catalogued July 25, 2003 by Eva Wedervang-Jensen.


Author: Widding, Ole
Title: AM 672 4to - en skyggetilværelse,
Scope: p. 344-349
Title: Studies and Texts, The Old Norse-Icelandic Legend of Saint Barbara
Editor: Wolf, Kirsten
Author: Louis-Jensen, Jonna
Title: , Seg Hallfríði góða nótt
Scope: p. 149-153
Author: Bekker-Nielsen, Hans
Title: Cæsarius af Arles som kilde til norrøne homilier,
Scope: p. 10-16
Author: McDougall, Ian
Title: , Latin sources of the Old Icelandic Speculum Penitentis
Scope: p. 136-185
Author: Wolf, Kirsten
Title: Opuscula XIV, Agǫtu saga IV and V
Scope: p. 1-24
Author: Kirby, Ian J.
Title: Bible Translation in Old Norse
Title: A Dictionary of Old Norse Prose: Indices
Editor: The Arnamagnæan Commision
Author: Widding, Ole
Title: Conscientia i norrøne oversættelser,
Scope: p. 48-51
Author: Bekker-Nielsen, Hans, Widding, Ole
Title: , Fra ordbogens værksted
Scope: p. 341-349
