Halvorsen & Rindal, De eldste østlandske kristenrettene
Keyser & Munch, Norges gamle Love I s. 339-352 Ed. A
Keyser & Munch, Norges gamle Love II Var.app. B.
Preceded by a table of contents and letter on excommunication.
Explanations on the church law and country law by D. Nicolaus Hemingius , a Latin verse on sapientia 's power to conquer instrumenta belli , and a note on atuiſtem en j mans ſlekt .
Parchment .
Two columns. Red rubrics, somewhat heavily decorated initials in different colors. Blank spaces in the manuscript are filled out in a hand from the 1500s .
The manuscript is defective in the end, and there are several other defects. On several leaves the bottom margin is damaged. In the last part of the manuscript the writing has been touched up here and there.
Same hand as in AM 302 fol., AM 305 fol. and AM 56 4to.
Several additions in the margin of variants from other manuscripts, some in the hand of Árni Magnússon F. 56 is added by Árni Magnússon.
Between ff. 13 and 14 Árni Magnússon has added a paper leaf (4to) with part of Mag. Hans Gås 's Danish translation of Ærkebiskop Jons kristenret .
There are 3 AM-slips.