Skráningarfærsla handrits


AM 56 4to

King Magnus the Lawmender’s Norwegian National Law and réttarbœtr ; Norway, 1290-1310

According to Storm (Storm 1885 571) AM 56 4to and AM 78 4to originally belonged to the same manuscript. An electronic, diplomatic edition of AM 56 4to can be seen at Menota (Horn: Kristinréttir, Landslǫg Magnúss Hákonarsonar, Bǿjarlǫg Magnúss Hákonarsonar ok réttarbǿtr).


1 (1ra-75bv)
King Magnus the Lawmender’s National Law of Norway

Norges gamle Love II s. 1-178 Ed. Gf.

Horn: Landslǫg Magnúss Hákonarsonar - Magnus Lagabøtes landslov Electronic, diplomatic, edition from Menota.

Tungumál textans
2 (75vb-76bv)
Réttarbœtr Magnús Hákonarsonar
Titill í handriti

Vm rettar bótr Magnusar konongs er hann gaf allum noregs monnom


till born ero mat annongar


Lýsing á handriti



76 277 mm x 208 mm

9 quires of 8 leaves + 4 loose leaves presumably forming the first part of a tenth quire.


The manuscript is written in two columns throughout. Rubrics and interlinear notes in red.


There is a lacuna at the end of the manuscript.

Skrifarar og skrift

The first scribe presents himself as Thorgerus Haquini (Þorgeir Hákonarson). His hand also occurs in AM 302 fol.

The hand of the second scribe is from the second half of the sixteenth century is similar to the one in AM 288 fol. The marginialia are written in this hand.


The flourished initials have various colours. The large ones are red, blue and green. The smaller initials are blue and red, green and red, and green and brown.

Spássíugreinar og aðrar viðbætur

Marginalia from the second half of the sixteenth century are found at several places and are mostly extracts of other law texts.

Uppruni og ferill


The manuscript is written in Norway c. 1300. This dating corresponds to the one given by Gustav Storm Norges gamle Love indtil 1387IVs. 539 and Asgaut Steinnes Asgaut Steinnes 1964s. 35 whereas Kristian Kålund has dated the manuscript less precisely to the beginning of the fourteenth century.


According to one of the inserted AM-slips the manuscript belonged toAnna Krukov, and passed on toAnders Nilssen, mayor in Bergen, who was married to Karine Teiste, daughter of Jon Teiste and Anna Krukov. Later on it belonged to Hans Tieste, Lawman in Stavanger 1585-91, and in 1682 to M. Schanchius.

Aðrar upplýsingar


Catalogued 6. mars 2000 by AWS.


Photographed in 1965 and in 1990

Myndir af handritinu

  • Microfilm (master), Neg. 851, from júní 1990.
  • Microfilm (archive), Pos. 770, from júní 1990.
  • 70 mm, 44, from 1965.
  • Diapositives from febrúar 1984.
  • Black and white prints from október 1965.


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  • Árnasafn í Kaupmannahöfn
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  • Den Arnamagnæanske Samling
  • Safn
  • Safn Árna Magnússonar
  • Safnmark
  • AM 56 4to
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