Skráningarfærsla handrits


AM 13 fol.

Jómsvíkinga saga ; Ísland, 1632-1672


Jómsvíkinga saga
Titill í handriti

Hier Byriaſt Saga af Joms wijkingum.


Madur er nefndur Toke hann var i Danmork


til Islands og sagde þar fyrstr manna þesse Tydinnde


Og lijkur hier Jomsvijkinga Sogu. Geyme Gud þann er ritade. Og þa sem lesa og tilhlijda bæde þessa heims og annars Amen

Tungumál textans

Lýsing á handriti


Handmade paper with watermarks.

iii + 48 + iii. 285-290 mm x 175-180 mm.
Tölusetning blaða
Modern foliation in red ink (1-48) by Kålund. Due to wet processing this is now faded. An additional modern foliation in pencil is found (1-48).

  • I: fols. 1-8 (1, 2+7, 3+6, 4+5, 8)
  • II: fols. 9-16 (9+16, 10+15, 11+14, 12+13)
  • III: fols. 17-24 (17+24, 18+23, 19+22, 20+21)
  • IV: fols. 25-32 (25+32, 26+31, 27+30, 28+29)
  • V: fols. 33-40 (33+40, 34+39, 35+38, 36+37)
  • VI: fols. 41-48 (41+48, 42+47, 43+46, 44+45)

There are no quire signatures. There are catchwords on fols. 1v, 8v, 16v, 24v, 32v and 40v.

  • The text is written in one column with 28-29 lines per page and 11-14 words per line.
  • The written area measures ca. 230-235 mm x 130-135 mm.
  • There are running titles.


Fol. 1, which is a replacement for the riginal first leaf, is shorter than the other leaves, as the lower margin was excised.

There are holes from overcast stitches in the inner margins throughout the manuscript.

The leaves show some stains from and older repairs done with coloured Japanese tissue.

At the quire boundaries, the pages (except for fol. 1r) are slightly dirtier and more discoloured than the rest.

The leaves have been trimmed, causing some damage to the running titles.

The leaves have been washed during restoration, which has caused the red foliation to fade.

Skrifarar og skrift

Written by Jón Erlendsson.


On fol. 1r there is a plain first initial spanning 2 lines. Other initials within the text span 1-2 lines. Most initials in the text are emphasised by means of bold lines and sometimes additional hairlines and strokes. Occasionally, the initials are decorated with floral ornaments.

Spássíugreinar og aðrar viðbætur

The second front flyleaf carries the same information as the AM-slip, though written by another scribe: Jómsvikinga Saga úr bók Þorbiargar Vikfussdóttur, frá Sera Þorde Jons syne a Stadarstad.

There is a scribal addition in the margin of fol. 17v.

A different hand made additions and corrections to the text on fol. 38r.


The manuscript is bound in a full parchment binding from Árni Magnússon's time with laced-in single endband supports. The remains of two stickers for the shelfmark and the running title are found. The title of the text is written on the spine with brown ink, presumably by Árni Magnússon.


An AM-slip (100 mm x 107 mm) in Árni Magnússon's hand is glued onto the verso-side of the first front flyleaf: Jomsvikinga Saga ur bok Þorbiargar Vigfussdottur fra Sera Þorde Jonssyne a Stadarstad

Uppruni og ferill


The manuscript was written in Iceland. Kålund dates it to the seventeenth century (Katalog I, s. 11).

The manuscript has been in the the possession of Þorbjörg Vigfússdóttir and, subsequently, Þórdur Jónsson (see the AM-slip).

Árni Magnússon received the manuscript from Þórdur Jónsson.

Aðrar upplýsingar


Catalogued 28. september 2015 by BS.

Updated 5. desember 2023 by Jakob Þrastarson.

Myndir af handritinu

  • Microfilm pictures from 1998.
  • A4 pictures from 1980 and portraits from 1998.


Titill: Jómsvíkinga saga & Jómsvíkingadrápa
Ritstjóri / Útgefandi: Petersens, Carl
Titill: Katalog over Den Arnamagnæanske Håndskriftsamling
Ritstjóri / Útgefandi: Kålund, Kristian
