Niðurstöður 321 til 339 af 339
Titill, uppruni og aldur
Íslensk málfræði; Ísland, 1895
Grísk málfræði; Ísland, 1800-1899
Skólauppskriftir; Ísland, 1900
Tuhfe-i Şâhidî; Ottómanaveldinu, 1600-1699
Kennslubók í latneskri málfræði; Ísland, 1500-1599
Nokkrar óreglulegar reglur, 1750-1799
Additions and Corrections to Björn Haldorson's Icelandic Dictionary; Iceland or Denmark, 1800-1832
Collection of Material for an Icelandic-Danish Dictionary: A-L; Iceland or Denmark, 1800-1832
Collection of Material for a Danish-Icelandic Dictionary; Denmark, 1820-1832
Drafts and Notes for an Icelandic Grammar; Iceland or Denmark, 1800-1815
Excerpts from Jens Christian Svabo's two Faroese Dictionaries; Copenhagen, Denmark, 1810
Investigation of the origin of the Old Norse or Icelandic Language; Copenhagen, Denmark, 1811
Guide to the Icelandic or Old Norse language; Stockholm, Sweden, 1818
Investigation of the Old Norse Language or the Origins of Old Icelandic; Copenhagen, Denmark, 1818
Alglo-Saxon Grammar; Stockholm, Sweden, 1817
Frisian Grammar; Copenhagen, Denmark, 1825
Spanish Grammar on a New Plan; Copenhagen, Denmark, 1824
Ritgerðir, ræður, tækifæriskvæði, sendibréf o.fl.; Ísland, 1967
Málfræðirit; Ísland, 10000