Severity | Type | Message | Line | Column |
INFO | MSPART | textLang not defined. | -1 | -1 |
WARNING | MSIDENTIFIER | The use of head here is discouraged. Use summary in msContents instead. | 26 | 12 |
WARNING | MSPART_ORIDINAL | Missing n attribute | 111 | 14 |
WARNING | MSITEM_ORIDINAL | Missing n attribute | 118 | 29 |
WARNING | MSITEM | Multiple titles found. Each msItem should have exactly - one non-parallel - title. Using first encountered. | 118 | 29 |
WARNING | MSPART_ORIDINAL | Missing n attribute | 171 | 14 |
WARNING | MSITEM_ORIDINAL | Missing n attribute | 178 | 29 |
WARNING | MSPART_ORIDINAL | Missing n attribute | 396 | 14 |
WARNING | MSITEM_ORIDINAL | Missing n attribute | 403 | 29 |
WARNING | MSPART_ORIDINAL | Missing n attribute | 488 | 14 |
WARNING | MSITEM_ORIDINAL | Missing n attribute | 495 | 29 |
WARNING | MSPART_ORIDINAL | Missing n attribute | 662 | 14 |
WARNING | MSITEM_ORIDINAL | Missing n attribute | 669 | 29 |