„yta þar. urdu lofenu tyna“
Catchword: Valdimars rímur. Eight rímur cantos. Begins defectively.
„Bósa rímur kveðnar af Guðmundi Bergþórssyni“
Fifteen rímur cantos.
A fragment consisting of seven badly worn leaves put inside a cover, made up of two conjoint leaves containing some stanzas of some hymns in Icelandic. The rímur, including an autobiographical fragment, contains parts of the second and third rímur cantos.
A fragment; starting in the third rímur canto and ending in the fifth. There is a lacuna after fol 117.
„Ryma | af Einumm Bidle“
„Qvædi umm Þolinnmædina“
„Kotlu Draumur“
„Hallmundar Qvid|a Edur hans Tolf Flo|cka vïsur“
„Fꜳeinar gamann vysur | kvednar af Sal. Sra Magnúsi Einars Syni ä Tiorn“
Including a text in prose and a table of contents by Rasmus Rask preceding the content. The outer leaves serve as a cover and on the back cover, fol. 184, Rasmus Rask wrote a few notes in Icelandic.
„Ávarp Ólafs Sögu | Til | Lensenda og heirenda“
??Resp.Key.dte_is?? : Séra Pétur Sveinsson
??Resp.Key.dte_is?? : Þorbjörg Bergsdóttir
Ff. 106-114 are badly worn. An older foliation suggests that a leaf is missing at the beginning of the manuscript.
With the exception of a newer addition, fols 86-105 are written by Rev. Einar Hálfdanarson.
Fols 127r-134v are written by Bogi Benediktsson.
Fols 153r-156r are written by one of Árni Magnússon's copyists.
Fols 157r-169v are possibly the author, Árni Sigurðsson's authograph.
Fols. 184r-230v are written by Halldór Davíðsson of Hof in Öræfi (see fols 225v, 226, 228v (secret code), 229v).
Fol. 231 is the author, Þórður Sveinbjarnarson's autograph.