Skráningarfærsla handrits


AM 455 12mo

Danish Legal Manuscript ; Denmark, 1290-1310


1 (1r-85r:2)
Valdemar's Provincial Law of Sjælland and the Church Law of Sjælland with the Preface to the Provincial Law of Jutland
Tungumál textans
danska (aðal); latína
1.1 (1r-3v)
Index to Valdemar's Provincial Law of Sjælland and the Church Law of Sjælland
Titill í handriti





De uite ecclesiastico. lxxxviii.

Tungumál textans
1.2 (4v-7v:7)
Preface to the Provincial Law of Jutland
Titill í handriti

Swa byriæs en for talæn a iu |tæ logh thær kunugh wal|dæmar gaf oc danæ tokæ withær.


Mæth logh scal land byggæs. æn | wildæ hwær man orues at | sit eghæt. oc late men nʉtæ iafnæth. | tha thʉrftæ men ekki logh with.


biscop Gunnær i wybærgh. | biscop ionæs i wændæl. oc biscop | ionæs i hethæbʉ. oc thæræ tíl allæ | bæstæ menz rath thær i hans rikie | waræ,,,


Skautrup, Danmarks gamle Landskabslove II s. 3-18

Thorsen, Nordiske Oldskrifter XIII s. 79-80

Uldaler and Wellejus, Gammeldansk læsebog s. 74a, 76a, 78a

Tungumál textans
1.3 (7v:8-77r)
Valdemar's Provincial Law of Sjælland
Titill í handriti

af arf .ɪ.


Fathær oc mothær æræ sʉn oc | dottær næst at æruæ. sʉn til | ful lot. oc dottær til half lot,


tha ær then hardh | bathæ foræ guth oc foræ men thær han latær | hængæ ællær storæ pínæ withær gøræ, ær | thet for hungærs nøhd gørthæ,,,


Kroman, Danmarks gamle Landskabslove VIII s. 247-252:18, 266:5-362 Yngre Redaktion, Text 1

Thorsen, Nordiske Oldskrifter XIII s. 90:14-93:13 (Fols 7v:8-11v), 3-64

Uldaler and Wellejus, Gammeldansk læsebog s. 50-51:24 (Fols 16r:13-17v:12), 51:25-52:11 (Fols 19r-20r:5), 52:12-53:17 (Fols 25r:3-27r:7), 53:18-54:15 (Fols 41r:9-43r:1), 54:16-56 (Fols 64r:4-69r:12)


This rubric introduces the first chapter.

Tungumál textans
danska (aðal); latína
1.4 (78r-85r:2)
The Church Law of Sjælland
Titill í handriti

Thættæ ær then ræt ær sat wardh | a malstæfnæ i ríngstathæ lund | af absalon ærkibiscop æftær allæ sial-|lænz faræ bøn. for thʉ at rætæn war | førræ af hardh mællæ biscop oc bøndeʀ.


Kyʀki of wigh warthæʀ ma ey an-|næt sínnæ wighæ


fran then dagh ær wærældæn | war scapæth oc til then dagh ær then | ræt war sat. tha waræ gangnæ sæx | thusænde wíntær oc thrʉ hundræth | wíntær oc syutyugh wíntær. sæm | manæt minnæ, oc sæxtan daghæ, | oc sithæn guth war fød tha waræ g | gangnæ. thusænde wintær oc hun|dræth winthær oc síutyugh wíntær oc syu manæth. oc tolf daghæ.


Kroman, Danmarks gamle Landskabslove VIII s. 468-481 Yngre Redaktion, Text 1

Thorsen, Nordiske Oldskrifter XIII s. 66-76


Explicit per manum fratris iohannis iutæ

Tungumál textans
2 (85r:3-269r:5)
Erik's Provincial Law of Sjælland, Books I-III
Tungumál textans
2.1 (85r:3-86v:13)
Contents of Erik's Provincial Law of Sjælland, Book I

Vm man faar athælkune, i.


Vm sløkæfrith barn. l,


Skautrup, Danmarks gamle Landskabslove V s. 367-371:8

Tungumál textans
2.2 (86v:14-117v:9)
Erik's Provincial Law of Sjælland, Book I
Titill í handriti

hær bʉriæs ræt siælænzk | logh a danskæ


Fár man athælkunæ. tha hwat | sum the æræ æghænde at for u|tæn theræ iordh tha aghæ the | alt til halfs,


allæ the børn ær førræ waræ fød. ær | han war wigth with andræ kunæ. ællær | hun with annær man.


Brøndum-Nielsen, Danske Sprogtekster til Universitetsbrug I s. 3-8 (Fols 86v:14-98r:7) II s. 8-12 (Fols 103r:7-117v:9)

Kolderup-Rosenvinge, Samling af gamle danske Love II s. 2-63

Kriger, Småting om den nydanske Retskrivning s. Tab. 1, 2 Facs. of fols 31 and 91:2-6

Skautrup, Danmarks gamle Landskabslove V s. 3-44:1, 45:10-72

Thorsen, Nordiske Oldskrifter XIV s. 3-27:9

Uldaler and Wellejus, Gammeldansk læsebog s. 101-102:6 (Fols 108v:4-110v:11), 57-60:19 (Fols 110v:11-117:9)


This rubric is not contemporary with the main text.

Tungumál textans
2.3 (117v:10-122v)
Contents of Erik's Provincial Law of Sjælland, Books II and III

Vm hor.


Vm man dør innæ at annærs. cxlvii.


Brøndum-Nielsen, Danske Sprogtekster til Universitetsbrug II s. 13-15

Skautrup, Danmarks gamle Landskabslove V s. 371:9-383

Tungumál textans
2.4 (123r-269r)
Erik's Provincial Law of Sjælland, Books II and III
Titill í handriti

vm hoor,


Takær bondæ annær man | mæth sín kunæ. oc kumær swa at | han dræpær anti mannæn ællær beriær, | tha scal bathæ bulstær oc ble til thíngs fø|ræ til wítnæ um the æræ blothug.


Æn danæt fæ hørír konnungin enum. sum gull ællær silf. | oc ængín umbutzman,


Brøndum-Nielsen, Danske Sprogtekster til Universitetsbrug II s. 13:1-6 (Fols 138v:12-139r:7), 13:7-31 (Fols 152r:7-153v:2), 13.32-15:23 (Fols 166v:12-171r:3), 15:24-30 (Fols 174v:5-175r:1)

Kolderup-Rosenvinge, Samling af gamle danske Love II s. 64-327

Skautrup, Danmarks gamle Landskabslove V s. 73-366

Thorsen, Nordiske Oldskrifter XIV s. 27:10-133

Uldaler and Wellejus, Gammeldansk læsebog s. 60:20-63:7 (Fols 123r:1-127v:9), 63:8-13 (Fol. 132r:8-v:3), 63:14-19 (Fol. 138r:6-v:2), 63:20-25 (Fols 138v:12-139r:7), 63:26-64:4 (Fols 143v:7-144r:10), 64:5-26 (Fols 145r:11-146v:7), 64:27-65:8 (Fols 152r:7-153r:2), 65:9-67:2 (Fols 166v:12-171r:3), 67:3-21 (Fols 174v:5-175v:11), 67:22-68:20 (Fols 179v:11-181r:14), 68:21-70:2 (Fols 182r:6-185r:6), 70:4-25 (Fols 207v:16-209r:6), 70:26-71:4 (Fols 210v:17-211r), 71:5-22 (Fols 212r:8-213r:7), 71:23-72:9 (Fols 225r:6-226r:13), 103:15-105:15 (Fols 259v:8-263r:15), 72:10-21 (Fols 268r:12-269r:2)


Explicit per manum fratris iohannis íutæ.


Tu autem domíne miserere nostri. | Deo gra - ci - as


This rubric introduces the first chapter.

Tungumál textans
danska (aðal); Latin

Lýsing á handriti



269. Fols 4r, 77v and 269v are blank. 106 mm x 82 mm.
Tölusetning blaða

The manuscript is foliated on the recto-sides (1-269). Each of the three laws still has its original numbering as well. In the last part of the manuscript the numbers have almost been excised everywhere.


The manuscript consists of 28 gatherings.

  • I: fols 1-3.
  • II: fols 4-11.
  • III-VIII: each consisting of 10 leaves: fols 12-71.
  • IX: fols 72-85.
  • X: fol. 86 is a singleton.
  • XI: fols 87-96.
  • XII: fols 97-105 (lacuna after fol. 105).
  • XIII: fols 106-115.
  • XIV: fols 116-130.
  • XV-XXVI: each consisting of 10 leaves: fols 131-260.
  • XXVII: fols 261-263.
  • XXVIII: fols 264-269.

Cathcwords on the last page of each gathering.

The manuscript is written in long lines with 15 to 17 lines per page, the ruled lines can almost not be made out. Some parts of the indices, however, are written in two columns (e.g. fol. 128v:1-6). Rubrics are in red. The majuscules alternate between red and blue with partial decoration in the opposite colour. A single initial on fol. 4v is green.

Catchwords on the last page of each gathering.

The writing on fol. 1r is so worn that the text is almost illegible. There is a lacuna of 11 leaves following fol. 11 (Valdemar's Provincial Law I 1:12 - I 6). One leaf is missing after fol. 105.

Running titles occur.

Skrifarar og skrift

Johannes Jutæ has written the actual Legal Manuscript in a practised Danish younger gothic bookhand. We cannot be sure who this Johannes was - might he be the same Franciscan monk at the Cistercian monastery of Sorø on Sjælland who compiled Cod. Holm. A 41 (King Valdemar's Cadastral Book/Kong Valdemars jordebog) in c. 1300? See Gallén 1993 s. 16-17 .

This unknown scribe has written the indices, and he has collated the manuscript.

Spássíugreinar og aðrar viðbætur

  • On fol. 269r the scribe has added:Explicit per manum fratris iohannis íutæ.
  • A similar note is found on fol. 85r.
  • At the bottom of fol. 86v a later scribe has written in red ink:hær bʉriæs ræt siælænzk | logh a danskæ.
In the upper margins of fols 87r, 123r and 199r a scribe from the fifteenth century has written:
  • Fol. 87r: liber primus .
  • Fol. 123r: liber secundus.
  • Fol. 199r: liber tercius.


Bound in a leather binding; the dimensions are: 114 mm x 92 mm x 73 mm.

Uppruni og ferill


The manuscript was written in Denmark, it was possibly produced in the scriptorium at the great Cistercian monastery, Sorø monastery, on Sjælland, c. 1300.

Aðrar upplýsingar


Catalogued 18. ágúst 1999 by EW-J


The manuscript was photographed in september 1989

Supplementary photographs were taken of the manuscript from 6. desember 1990

From 7 April to 8 June 1959 the manuscript was lent to the Royal Library, Copenhagen, for the use of Lis Weise.

From 8 June to 3 November 1959 the manuscript was lend to Anders Bjerrum of the Place-Name Committee, Denmark.

The manuscript was lent to The Danish National Archives (Rigsarkivet) for the use of Erik Kroman three times (from 19 February to 1 March 1965; from 21 to 28 September 1965, and from 10 to 12 February 1970).

From 23 to 25 April 1991 the manuscript was lent to Ebba Hjorth of the Dictionary of Old Danish, The Society for Danish Langauge and Literature.

Myndir af handritinu

  • Diapositive (4x5") from 18. janúar 1998 (of 40r).
  • Microfilm (master), Neg 814, from september 1989.
  • Microfilm (master), Pos 739, from september 1989.
  • Microfilm (master), Neg 814, from 6. desember 1990 (supplementary photographs).
  • Black and white prints, s.d.


Titill: Jyske lov: Text 1: NkS 295 8°, Danmarks gamle Landskabslove med Kirkelovene
Ritstjóri / Útgefandi: Skautrup, Peter
Umfang: II
Titill: Danmarks gamle Lanskabslove, Eriks sjællandske Lov: Text 1-2
Ritstjóri / Útgefandi: Skautrup, Peter
Umfang: V
Titill: Danske Sprogtekster til Universitetsbrug
Ritstjóri / Útgefandi: Brøndum-Nielsen, Johannes
Umfang: I-VII
Titill: Gammeldansk læsebog
Ritstjóri / Útgefandi: Uldaler, Nelly, Wellejus, Gerd
Titill: Katalog over Den Arnamagnæanske Håndskriftsamling
Ritstjóri / Útgefandi: Kålund, Kristian
Höfundur: Kriger, M. D.
Titill: Småting om den nydanske Retskrivning
Titill: Nordiske Oldskrifter, Valdemars sællandske Lov og Absalons sællandske Kirkelov
Ritstjóri / Útgefandi: Thorsen, P. G.
Umfang: XIII
Titill: Nordiske Oldskrifter, Valdemars sællandske Lov og Absalons sællandske Kirkelov
Ritstjóri / Útgefandi: Thorsen, P. G.
Umfang: XIV
Titill: Lex Siellandica Erici regis: Kong Eriks sjællandske Lov, Samling af gamle danske Love
Ritstjóri / Útgefandi: Kolderup-Rosenvinge, J. L. A.
Umfang: II
