Skráningarfærsla handrits

AM 876 4to

The Land Registers of Roskilde Chapter and Roskilde Cathedral Chapter ; Denmark, 1568


The Land Registers of Roskilde Chapter and Roskilde Cathedral Chapter
Titill í handriti

Jordbog paa allt Roskiilde Capit|tels oc domkirckens Indkomst oc | renthe epther Kon : Maiestt | wor aller naadigste herris | Begiering aff Capittell paa | thett flyteligste Schreffuen oc offueseet Anno | mdlxviij

Tungumál textans

Lýsing á handriti



178 (including the slip 87), fols 1v, 32r, 108v, 11v, 128v, 176-78 (except a small note on f. 178r) are blank. The otherwise blank f. 129v has a rubric. 208 mm x 147 mm
Tölusetning blaða

Paginated 1-345


The manuscript have sustained some damage from wear and now have stains The blank leaves at the beginning and the end of the manuscript have particularly suffered from being exposed to damp.

Spássíugreinar og aðrar viðbætur

Four paper leaves from c. 1700, containing an index and information on Altari Ecclesi Roschildens, are attached. Fol. 178r has an apothegm in Greek. On the pastedown rni Magnsson wrote Arnas Magnus possidet.

Uppruni og ferill


According to the title of the manuscript it is written in Roskilde, Denmark in 1568. Below the title two registration certificates, dated : Thune herritz ting A 95 and 1645: Thudtzeherrits ting Den 11 October 1646, respectively, are found. A wax seal is set below the latter.

Aðrar upplýsingar


Catalogued 10-07-2003 by EW-J.


Titill: Roskilde Kapitels Jordebog 1568
Ritstjóri / Útgefandi: Arhnung, O.
Titill: Katalog over Den Arnamagnæanske Håndskriftsamling
Ritstjóri / Útgefandi: Kålund, Kristian
