Manuscript Detail

AM 670 f 4to

Vita of St. Magnús and the Feast Day of St. Magnús ; Denmark?, 1700-1725

Language of Text


1 (3r-7r)
De Sancto Magno Martyre glorioso

De Sancto Magno Martyre glorioso


Variants added by Árni Magnússon in the text as well as on ff. 1 and 2.

Text Class
2 (10r-12v)
Seqventia in festo Magni ducis martyris
Text Class

Physical Description

No. of leaves
12. Fols 1r, 7v-8v and 9v are blank. 213 mm x 172 mm.

Fols 3r-7r are written in the same hand as AM 670 a-d 4to, the first eight leaves of AM 670 e 4to and AM 670 g 4to.

The rest is written by Árni Magnússon.


On fol. 2r Árni Magnússon wrote the following concerning the variants of item 1: For og bag inden paa bindet af den Snorre Sturlesens chronica, som ieg eier, og begynder af Sven Alfifesön, vare liimede .2. pergaments blade i folio, hvor dog neden af vare bortskaarne nogle liner. Paa diſſe 2. blade vare ſkrefne med en haand icke ret gammel, og hverken god eller ond, legenda S. Annæ matris B. Virginis, og begyndelsen af legenda S. Magni orcadenſis ſtrax efter den anden. Af dette fragmento membraneo ere tagne de Variæ lectiones, fom her ftaae med min egen haand fkrefne. Bindet paa Snorre Sturleſen, er viſſeligen icke Iislandsſk. maae ſaa diſſe blade vere limede paa bindet, i Norge eller Danmark.

On fol. 9r he wrote the following concerning item 2: Exſcriptmn ex libro officiorum Sacrorum (Meſſebog) in grandi folio, qvem nactus ſum Scardi Scardſtrandenſium in occidentali Islandiâ.


Denmark?, s. XVIII1/4.


