This leaf once belonged to a manuscript known as Jöfraskinna, of which a part is preserved in The Royal Library of Sweden (Holm perg 9 II fol.) and another in The National Archival Services of Norway (NRA 55 A).
„mæla mundi æige þat til“
„sva at hvarum tvegium hugnade“
Fornmanna sögur VIII 227:17-250:12.
The leaf is written in two colums with 37 lines per column on the recto and 36 lines per column on the verso. Majuscules and rubrics in red.
Half of the outer column is excised.
The leaf is written in black ink in a skilled Icelandic Gothic bookhand.
The outermost part of a littera florissa is found on f. 1va.
The leaf is written in Iceland. Kristian Kålund has dated it to the fourteenth century ( KKKat ), whereas Finnur Jónsson ( Finnur Jónsson 1895 iii, v) and Stefán Karlson ( Stefán Karlsson 1967, 59) have dated it more precisely to the first quarter of the fourteenth century.
Catalogued 2. mars 2000 by EW-J.
The leaf was put on a meeting-guard and put in a cardboard cover 02.03.1958-04.04.1959.