Skráningarfærsla handrits

AM 81 a fol.

Skálholtsbók yngsta ; Ísland, 1450-1475

AM 81 a fol. and AM 243 a fol. possibly belonged to the same original codex.


1 (1ra-55vb:8)
Sverris saga

HER byriar vpp sogu ok segir fra þeim tidenum


ok hofdu Suiar jaʀll | brok lawsann.


Fornmanna sögur VIII s. 5-448 Ed. F

Finnur Jónsson, Den Norsk-Islandske Skjaldedigtning A I s. 535-536 Hallr Snorrasons Lausavísur v. 2.1-2. Ed. 81., fol. 19rb:15-23 s. 536-537 Bjarni Kalfssons Lausavísa. Ed. 81., fol. 20ra:24-28 s. 537 Nefaris Lausavísa. Ed. 81., fol. 31ra:18-22 s. 537 Blakkrs Breiðskekksdrápa 1.1, line 1-6, and 1.2. Ed. 81. fol. 34ra:1-4 and 6-8 s. 538 Blakkrs Lausavísur 2.1 and 2.2. Ed. 81., fol. 31rb:23-28 and va:12-16 s. 595 V. 19 and 20. Ed. 81., fols 12ra:35-37 and 13ra:31-33 s. 596 V. 23 og 24. Ed. 81., fols 44vb:22-27 and 28-32 s. 602 V. 2 og 3. Ed. 81., ff 12vb:34-35 and 50va:35-36

Kjær and Holm-Olsen, Det arnamagnæanske håndskrift 81a fol. s. 1-254

Rafn, Antiquités Russes II s. 78-79 Ed. B

Schöning and Thorlacius, Heimskringla edr Noregs konunga sǫgur af Snorra Sturlusyni IV s. 1-334 Ed. F

Tungumál textans
2 (55vb:8-64ra)
Bǫglunga sǫgur

ÞAT sama sumar er suerʀir kongr an | waríth ꜳdr war hꜳkon til kongs tekínn


Ro|um wer sem wer megum mest


Thorlacius, Antiqvitatum Borealium Observationes Miscellaneæ

Schöning and Thorlacius, Heimskringla edr Noregs konunga sǫgur af Snorra Sturlusyni IV s. 335-374 Ed. F s. 374-381

Fornmanna sögur IX s. 1-50:21 Ed. F

Kjær and Holm-Olsen, Det arnamagnæanske håndskrift 81a fol. s. 255-291


The text ends abruptly and the remains of fol. 64r is left blank, possibly because the source text had a lacuna.

Tungumál textans
3 (64va-120vb)
Hákonar saga Hákonarsonar

A daugum Jnnocencij paua, þess|er hinn þridi


eru fra uidskiptum | þeira jarls ok islendínga margar frasagnir þær er. oss þic|kír eigi naudsynlígt at ríta i þessa. fra sogv. En þo mun sumra getid uera sidar


Thorlacius, Antiqvitatum Borealium Observationes Miscellaneæ Variants of the poems Hákonarkviða and Hrafnsmál.

Schöning og Thorlacius, Heimskringla edr Noregs konunga sǫgur af Snorra Sturlusyni V s. 1-337:2 Ed. 81

Fornmanna sögur IX s. 229-535; X s. 94:9 Ed. F

Rafn, Antiquités Russes II s. 78-79 Ed. B., excerpts

Guðbrandur Vigfússon, Hakonar saga and a fragment of Magnus saga s. 1-306:19

Finnur Jónsson, Den Norsk-Islandske Skjaldedigtning A II s. 69-70 Snorri Sturlusons Háttartal v. 63-64 and 66. Ed. 81., fols 78rb:9-19 og 35-va:1 s. 78 Snorri Sturlusons Lausavísur v. 4. Ed. 81., fol. 99vb:33-37 s. 79 Guðmundur Oddssons Lausavísur 1. Ed. 81., fol. 75va:21-25 s. 80-81 Játgeirr Torfasons Lausavísa. Ed. 81., fol. 79vb:24-28 s. 87 Snækollr Gunnasons Lausavísa. Ed. 81., fol. 103vb:4-6 s. 92-93 Ólafr Þórðarson hvítaskálds digt om kong Hákon v. 1. Ed. 81., fol. 85vb:10-14 s. 93-97 Ólafr Þórðarson hvítaskálds hrynhent poem. Ed. 81., fols 70vb:27-30; 96va:3-8 and b:9-12; 97vb:9-14; 99rb:2-7; 101ra:39-b:8; 105vb:25-31; 107vb:8-13; 109ra:13-18 and b:41-va:5 and 19-25 s. 98 Ólafr Þórðarson hvítaskálds Lausavísur v.2. Ed. 81., fol. 106ra:33-b:2 s. 102-108 Sturla Þórðarsons Hrynhenda v. 1-19. Ed. 81., fols 113vb:6-10; 116rb:14-19; 117ra:27-35; 118ra:40-44 and b:4-8 and 19-24 and 26-37 and 43-48 and va:11-15; 119ra:30-34 and b:12-16 and 21-25 and 45-va:2 and vb:12-16 and 20-23 and 29-30 and 40-43; 120va:4-8 s. 108-119 Sturla Þórðarsons Hákonarkvíða. Ed. 81. Bl. 65va:7-11; 70vb:31-38; 77rb:36-37; 85rb:28-30 and vb:5-9; 101rb:8-13; 105vb:31-35; 107rb:31-35 and vb:22-24; 109ra:6-10 and 32-34 and b:21-23 and va:15-17 and b:32-34 and 36-40; 110ra:11-13; 111va:7-11; 113vb:3-5 and 14-18 and 20-23; 114rb:14-22; 115rb:22-27 and va:15-17 and 21-22 s. 124-127 Sturla Þórðarsons Hákonarflokkr 6.1-9. Ed. 81. Bl. 76vb:20-25; 77rb:38-va:4; 83rb:37-va:4; 86rb:29-35; 89ra:5-8; 91va:12-16; 92vb:17-20; 117rb:30-34; 120ra:14-17 s. 141 V. 16. Ed. 81. Bl. 77va:18-21 s. 143 V. 24-25. Ed. 81. Bl. 96va:28-29 and 97vb:3-8

Kjær and Holm-Olsen, Det arnamagnæanske håndskrift 81a fol. s. 292-678

Tungumál textans

Lýsing á handriti



120. 296 mm x 225 mm.
Tölusetning blaða

Foliation by Jón Sigurðsson.


The manuscript consists of fifteen quires of eight leaves. A sixteenth quire seem to be missing as the text ends abruptly on the verso-side of the last leaf.


Written in double columns; the lines per column very from 34 to 51 lines. In most of the manuscript the scribe has left blank spaces (two to three lines) for initials - except from fols 73r-112v where some flourished majuscules have been added. The majuscules on fols 31r, 36v, 74v, 76r, 77r, 80r and 116r are inhabited, displaying faces in their counters.


The manuscript is fairly well preserved even though there are some defects. The text ends defectively and the parchment on fol. 1r is badly worn with the consequence that some of the writing is illegible. This shows that the manuscript at some time was left unbound. The last page of the manuscript is, however, almost not worn at all even though the parchment in the inner bottom corners of the last two leaves are darkened due to damp.

Skrifarar og skrift
The manuscript can be divided into three main sections, each written by one main hand (hand 1, hand 2 and hand 5) with minor passages written by other scribal hands. In this list, the hands of the minor passages are grouped within the passages of the main hands. This has been done to clarify which main scribe belongs to which section. Some of the scribal hands have a coarse handwriting and seem inexperienced while other have a consistent and elegant handwriting. In all probability, the manuscript was used as an exercise book at one of the educational centres of Iceland; a see or a monastery. It is often difficult to distinguish between the various scribes, especially when discerning between hands of minor passages. A future amendment of this interpretation will therefore be necessary.

Hand 1 wrote fols 1ra-64rb, Sverris saga and Bǫglunga sǫgur. This scribal hand consistently writes 39 lines per column. It is characteristic for this scribe that he sometimes adds words below the text. This occur on fols 8va: et cetera walete, 22rb: liia cs my rhslzxg tybnymbs and 28rb: et cetera wal.

Hand 1a wrote two different passages:

  • Fol. 11ra:30-34 from mættí to gre |ptenum
  • Fol. 16ra:22-23 from (bog)an to fyrr

Hand 1b wrote two different passages too:

  • Fol. 12va:36-39 from ok to steínb
  • Fol. 14rb:27: aleid-swdr.

Hand 1c wrote three different passages:

  • Fol. 43vb:35-39 from þadan to mer
  • Fol. 62va:2-13 from skíptu to vm
  • Fol. 63vb:1-5 from mattu to sueít.

Hand 1a, 1b and 1c are very similar and at some places it is unclear where one hand stops and the other starts. Holm-Olsen ( AMhaa-KHO s. lx ) suggest that hand 1a and 1b could be the same scribe and Knirk ( JamKni1984a s. 205 ) is uncertain whether 1c is a new hand or identical with 1a or 1b.

Hand 2 wrote 64v-110r.In this part we find many smaller passages written by other hands too and the number of lines varies from, 34 to 42 lines per column. Generally a gathering starts and ends with 39 lines per column with only two exceptions; gathering 12 and 13 with 40 lines per column at the end of each gathering and gathering 14 with 38 lines per column at the beginning of the gathering.

Hand 2a wrote fol. 66ra:28-32 from Eru ver to er kongs

Hand 2b wrote five different passages:

  • Fol. 82va:3-vb:26 from varda to gestum
  • Fols 83va:21-84ra:22 from oknefndu to afar koste
  • Fols 84vb:13-85ra:12 from hakon kongr to kongenum
  • All of fol. 90v from hann to boda
  • Fol. 102ra:8-rb:38: drapu to merkur

Hand 2c wrote two different passages:

  • Fol. 84va:1-2 from eíka bergs to oslo.
  • Fol. 84va:12-23 from segir to gar

Hand 2d wrote fol. 92va:23-33 from: Um sumarit to ojafnad

Hand 2e wrote fol. 98va:28-32 from ok virde to suaradi

Hand 2f wrote four different passages:

  • Fol. 106va:15-38 from var to vapna
  • Fol. 107rb:6-14 from enn to manna
  • Fol. 108ra:23-37 from ok bad to vera
  • Fol. 113va:4-11: Hwsít to menn.

Hand 2g wrote fol. 108va:7-22 from sagdi to manna

Hand 2h wrote fol. 109vb:8-11 from vestra to bad hann

Hand 2i wrote fol. 109vb:11-17: vera to lítli.

Hand 2j wrote three passages of text:

  • Fol. 110rb:15-20 from SUnudagin to lidsmanna
  • Fol. 114vb:1-30 from burdr to fritt
  • Fols 114vb:34-115rb:46 from lest a hestum to lid

Hand 3 wrote fol. 110va:1-11 from NV to oslo

Hand 4 wrote fols 110va:11-111rb:37 from Erl|íngr til foru

Hand 5 wrote fols 111va-120vb, even though various minor hands occur here too. In this part of the manuscript the number of lines per column increases from 42 lines per column on fol. 111va to 51 lines per column on fol. 120va 120va (and 50 lines per column on fol. 120vb).

Hand 5a wrote fol. 116ra:13-26 from HAkon to ritat.

Hand 5b wrote fol. 117vb:1-5 from uoru to finna hann

Hand 5c wrote fol. 118ra:31-39 from ok bidu to lid.

Hand 5d wrote fol. 118rb:10-32 from BArrtholomeus to hiallma

Hand 5e wrote fol. 118vb:35-41 from hakoni kongi to tyna

Hand 5f wrote fols 118vb:48-119ra:1 from dvalldiz to Vikinna

Hand 5g wrote four passages:

  • Fol. 119rb:33-47 from Ok to gullí
  • Fol. 119vb:16-27 from hakon to konga
  • Fol. 120ra:23-49 from NV to kastel til
  • Fol. 120vb:28-36 from hakon to beítt

Hand 5h wrote fol. 120vb:1-5 from sendingum to sumarid ok

Spássíugreinar og aðrar viðbætur

In the margin of fol. 35r the name arnor is found. The writing are large and uneven, like it was written by a child and it is followed by three unidentifiable letters. Two other names occur in the margin: Sigurdur Magnusson on fol. 12r and Bergsueirn | Grijmsson on fol. 64r. Many other marginalia are found but they are more or less indistinct. Drawings occur in the bottom margins of fols 91r-93r, 95r and 96r and foliage in the bottom margins of fols 115v and 116v-117r.


The manuscript is bound in a dark brown, almost black, parchment binding with a blind-stamped frame. The size of the binding is: 316 mm x 235 mm x 70 mm. The remains of two copper clasps are still attached to the binding. When it was bound it was given two parchment flyleaves at the front and the back, respectively. According to Jón Helgason ( JonHelg1958 s. 77 ) the manuscript was bound in Skálholt at the time Þórður Þorlákson was the bishop of Skálholt (1674-97). Other similar manuscript bindings from Skálholt with the same tooling include: AM 227 fol. (Stjórn), AM 351 fol. (Skálholtsbók eldri) AM 354 fol. (Skálholtsbók yngri) and Holm Papp 9 4to. The blind-stamped framing motive is known from Germany since 1545.

Uppruni og ferill


Written in Iceland. Kålund ( Katalog ) dated the manuscript to the fifteenth century, whereas Holm-Olsen ( Holm-Olsen 1987 s. xi, xcix ) dated it more precisely to the third quarter of the fifteenth century.


Arnór Jónsson of Öndverðanes gave the manuscript to the cathedral of Skálholt at the beginning of the seventeenth century and prior to that it belonged to the bishop Oddur Einarsson and his children. AM 416 a 4to, which was commissioned by Oddur Einarsson in 1612, is a list of books belonging to Skálholt at that time. On fol. 7r it says: Arnor Jonsßon j Øndverda|nese hefur gefid bornunum | hier ejna gamla Bok þar | er a Suerrers saga og | nockud flejra. han liede | mier hana fyrst enn gaf mier | hana sejrnna og sagde ad | bornen mætte ejga hana.

On fol. 57v in Árni Magnússon’s catalogue of Icelandic parchment manuscripts, AM 435a 4to, he confirms that the manuscript belonged to the cathedral of Skálholt: Sverris Saga. | Hakonar Saga Sverris sonar etc. | Hakonar Saga Hakonar sonar. | Bokin er in folio, illa skrifud og ecki | riett. Vantar nockud sidarst. | hefur fyrrum tilheyrt Skalholltz kirkiu.

In AM 79 fol., containing a transcript of Sverris saga from c. 1700, an AM-slip with a list of all the manuscripts in which the saga occur, the manuscript is described thus (no 7, fol. 1r-v of the slip): 7. Codex meus, olim (ut videtur) | Ecclesiæ Scalholtensis in Islandiâ. nulli priorum comparan|dus, nec magnæ ætatis, nec | bonitate præstans.


Árni Magnússon acquired the codex from Jón Vídalín in 1699. A note on the acquisition of AM 81 a fol. together with other smanuscripts is found in AM 435a 4to, fol. 190r: ỏll þesse | volumina komu sidan til | skila, og sende Mag. Jon | mier þau 1699.

Aðrar upplýsingar


Catalogued 10. febrúar 2000 by EW-J.


Lent to Christian Westergaard-Nielsen from Vestnordisk Institut in Aarhus .

Lent to Ludvig Holm-Olsen from the University Library in Bergen .

Myndir af handritinu

  • Plate, plate 56 (fols 1r, 65r, 72r-v, 118r-v, 119v, 120r-v).
  • Plate, plate 13 (fols 1v-2v).
  • Diapositives, s.d. (colour diapositives).
  • Black and white prints from janúar 1960 (fols 118-20).


Titill: Det Arnamagnæanske håndskrift 81a fol. (Skálholtbók yngsta)
Ritstjóri / Útgefandi: Holm-Olsen, Ludvig, Kjær, Albert
Umfang: s. 1-254
Höfundur: Thorlacius, Skulo Theodiri
Titill: Antiqvitatum borealium observationes miscellaneæ
Titill: Antiquités Russes
Ritstjóri / Útgefandi: Rafn, C. C.
Titill: Early Icelandic Manuscripts in Facsimile, The King's Mirror: AM 243 A Fol
Ritstjóri / Útgefandi: Holm-Olsen, Ludvig
Umfang: XVII
Titill: Heimskringla edr Noregs konunga sögur af Snorra Sturlusyni
Ritstjóri / Útgefandi: Schöning, Gerhard, Skúli Thorlacius
Höfundur: Jón Helgason
Titill: Handritaspjall
Titill: Katalog over Den Arnamagnæanske Håndskriftsamling
Ritstjóri / Útgefandi: Kålund, Kristian
Titill: , Jóns saga Hólabyskups ens helga
Ritstjóri / Útgefandi: Foote, Peter
Umfang: 14
Titill: Den norsk-islandske skjaldedigtning
Ritstjóri / Útgefandi: Finnur Jónsson
Höfundur: Stefán Karlsson
Titill: The localisation and dating of medieval Icelandic manuscripts, Saga book
Umfang: 25
Titill: Sverris saga etter Cod. AM 327 4to
Ritstjóri / Útgefandi: Indrebø, Gustav
