Niðurstöður 1 til 20 af 189
Titill, uppruni og aldur
Saga Manuscript; Iceland, 1490-1510
Codex Askabyensis; the monastery of Askaby in Östergötland, Sweden, 1485-1499
Thómas saga erkibiskups; Noregur, 1690-1697
Barlaams saga ok Jósaphats; Iceland, 1350-1399
Barlaams saga ok Jósafats; Iceland and Norway, 1300-1499
Sagas of saints and Skuldareikningr eptir Jón Ketilsson andaðan; Munkaþverá, Iceland, 1290-1499
Lives of Saints; Iceland, 1330-1350
Lives of Saints; Iceland, 1390-1410
Lives of Saints; Iceland, 1300-1350
Maríu saga; Iceland, 1390-1410
Silvesters saga; Iceland, 1350-1375
Lives of Saints; Iceland, 1300-1350
Sebastíanus saga; Iceland, 1390-1410
Maríu saga; Iceland, 1490-1510
Lives of Saints; Iceland, 1450-1499
Lives of Saints; Iceland, 1450-1499
Religious Texts; Iceland, 1400-1499
Maríu saga; Iceland, 1385-1399
Maríu saga; Iceland, 1290-1310