Skráningarfærsla handrits

Acc. 45 b

A commentary to Schölzer's 'History of Icelandic Literature'


Literaria | 3de [fasvikel.] | Erichsens og Finsenss | Anmærkninger | over | Schloetzers Geschichte der | Isländischen Literatur.
Titill í handriti

Literaria | 3de [fasvikel.] | Erichsens og Finsenss | Anmærkninger | over | Schloetzers Geschichte der | Isländischen Literatur.

Lýsing á handriti

Paper with watermarks.
9. Ca. 324 mm x 211 mm.
Tölusetning blaða
Foliated in pencil 1-9. Paginated in pencil 1-15.

This volume consists of loose leaves put inside a conjoint leaf of paper which serves as a folder. The folder is, in turn, kept inside a conservation box labelled Acc 45 II.

Uppruni og ferill


Until 2019 Acc. 45 a-g were catalogued as Acc. 45 which is how they appear in Inger Jakobsen Kudahl’s unpublished overview: Oversigt over de sidst tilkomne i Accessoria-samlingen  from May-June 2003.

The division of the collection into a-g is in accordance with the list of contents on the slip inside the conservation box labelled Acc. 45 II (see. Acc. 45 a).

Aðrar upplýsingar

Catalogued on 28. mars 2019 by Katarzyna Anna Kapitan.
Myndir af handritinu

Photographed as Acc. 45:

  • Microfilm, Neg 2016, from 19. maí 2011.
  • Microfilm (archive), 1098, from 24. maí 2011.
  • Backup, TS 1287, from 24. maí 2011.
  • Microfilm, Neg 2017, s.d.
  • Microfilm (archive), 1099, from 24. maí 2011.
  • Backup, TS 1295, from 24. maí 2011.

