Skráningarfærsla handrits


AM 468 4to

Reykjabók ; Iceland, 1300-1325

This manuscript is remarkable for containing one of the very oldest survivings of the saga in a fairly complete form. Fol. 94, which is used as a fly-leaf, was taken from a Catholic lithurgical manuscript and contains a hymn to the Virgin. Supposedly it has been inserted after the reformation.


1 (1bis-93r)
Njáls saga
Titill í handriti

her hefur vpp brennv nials sogu. | fra merðí gigiu.


The manuscript was copied in AM 467 4to, while the now missing leaf after fol. 33 was still extant.


Morðr het maðr er kallaðr | uar gigia


Aon hinnu flosa var kolbein er | age ttarstr maðr hefir verið ein hverr i þerri ett


Ólafur Olavius, Sagan af Niáli Thorgeirssyni ok Sonvm Hans

Suhm, Nials saga Ed. D; this edition is a translation of the saga into Latin.

Rafn, Antiquités Russes II s. 238-247 Excerpts. Ed. D

Konráð Gíslason, Fire og Fyrretyve Prøver s. 510-525 Excerpts

Eiríkur Jónsson and Konráð Gíslason, Njála I Ed. F

Finnur Jónsson, Brennu-Njáls saga (Njála) 1908 Ed. F

Finnur Jónsson, Den norsk-islandske Skjaldedigtning AI s. 101 (Þórhildr skáldkona), 134 (Þórvaldr enn veili), 135-136 (Steinunn Refs Dálksdóttir), 138-139 (Lausvísa), 176 (Et digt om Guðleifr Arason), 207 (Snorri goði Þórgrímsson), 419-421 (Darraðarljóð), 428-429 (Drømme- og varselsvers, no. 3), 431 (Drømme- og varselsvers, no. 12), 604-607 (I Njálssaga) Ed. F AII s. 130 (Þorkell elfaraskáld), 198-205 (Af Njálssaga) Ed. F

Einar Ólafur Sveinsson, Brennu-Njáls saga 1954 Ed. R.

Sveinn Yngvi Egilsson, Brennu-Njálssaga 2003


ok lvkv ver þar brenvnials sgu;


The rubric is almost illegible because of wear.

Tungumál textans
2 (93v)
Vísur Concerning Brennu-Njáls saga

Árni Magnússon copied the vísur himself on fols 301r-302r in AM 467 4to.


Huat skolo hauka


efni þess at hefna

Tungumál textans
3 (94r-v)
Prayer to the Virgin

gloria semper uirgi marie




With musical notes

Tungumál textans

Lýsing á handriti



i + 93 + i. 225 mm x 157 mm.
Tölusetning blaða

The manuscript is foliated (1-93) by a hand from the eighteenth century. Kristian Kålund has foliated the old fly-leaf 1a and added bis to the numeral 1 on the first leaf of the parchment. All 95 leaves are foliated: 1a (=fly-leaf) + 1-93 + 94 because fol. 94 is a back fly-leaf.


The manuscript consists of 12 gatherings.

  • I: fols 1-6: 1+6, 2+5 and 3+4 are conjoint. The two outermost leaves have been lost, but in the seventeenth century a new fly-leaf was inserted (fol. 1a), the inner edge of which has been brought round behind fol. 6, and by sewing on to this edge another new leaf, the present fol. 7. The part of the saga missing between fols 6 and 8 has been copied on the inserted leaf.
  • II: fols 8-15.
  • III: fols 16-23.
  • IV: fols 24-31.
  • V: fols 32-39. Fol. 34 is lost. Fols 32+39, 33+38 and 35+36 are conjoint. Fol. 37 is a single leaf.
  • VI: fols 40-47.
  • VII: fols 48-55.
  • VIII: fols 56-63.
  • IX: fols 64-71.
  • X: fols 72-79.
  • XI: fols 80-87.
  • XII: fols 88-93: 89+93 and 91+92 are conjoint; 88 and 90 are single leaves. The present fly-leaf (fol. 94) is a single leaf. This and the back fly-leaf mentioned by Kristan Kålund in his Catalogue ( Katalog I s. 653 ) are younger than the main part of the manuscript.


The manuscript is written in long lines with the number of lines per page varying from 18 to 31. Yet the facing pages always have the same number of lines. On the leaf inserted later, fol. 7, there are 33 lines on the recto and 32 on the verso side. There are 11 lines on fol. 94r and 12 on fol. 94v. Rubrics and initials are in red.


There are two lacunae in the text, each lacuna takes up one leaf. The first lacuna - after fol. 6 - was replaced with an inserted leaf in the seventeenth century; but the writing on the inserted leaf is so indistinct and blurred that it can only be partially read. The second lacuna - after fol. 33 - has not been replaced, and a part of the saga is therefore missing. This leaf was lost sometime in the years c. 1780-1809. There are holes in fols 29, 46, 47, 70 and 92 and tears in fols 6, 22, 32, 33, 40, 48, 49, 51, 54, 63, 65, 71, 81 and 83; and there are some parts of the manuscript where the parchment has become so dark or the writing so indistinct, that reading is difficult.

Skrifarar og skrift

The saga is written in a practiced older Icelandic Gothic bookhand.

Fol. 94 is also written in an older Icelandic Gothic bookhand.


  • I: The very first and also the only major initial of Njáls saga, on fol. 1r, is a littera florissa in the size of 9 lines.
  • II and III: There are two identical initials on fol. 94r in the size of 2 lines. They are both litterae florrissae.


Fol. 94 contains musical notation.

Spássíugreinar og aðrar viðbætur

Fols 24r-v, 29r, 31v, 32v, 33r, 37r, 39r, 40v, 47v and 52r contain varying poems belonging to the text written in the margin by a contemporary hand, according to Einar Ól. Sveinsson ( Studies in Manuscript Tradtition of Njálssaga s. 6 ) probably by another scribe.

On fols 43v and 50r corrections are added in the margin. Fol. 50v contains a marginal note made by a younger hand. Fol. 93v contains poems added to the saga.


The boards of oak are original. The very first and last fly-leaves were added in 1929. The sewing supports are from 1965 .

Uppruni og ferill


The manuscript was written in Iceland in the beginning of the fourteenth century ( Jón Helgason 1962 s. xi ) Kålund's dating: c. 1300 ( Katalog I s. 653 ).


The following persons are known to have owned the manuscript:

On the verso of the front fly-leaf (fol. 1av) some statements about owners of the manuscript in the seventeenth century appear:

  • Jngialldur Jllugason aa þessa saugu | bok med riettu Enn einginn annar.
  • Jön Minn Jnngialldsson | a þeßa bok giefna af mier | Jngialldi Jllugasyni 1642 Ingialldur Illugason | E.h.
  • Jngialldur Jllugason | Atte Bökina | possedit librum hunc | sed nunc datus est Jonæ | Ingialdi filio | ut videre est | Enn Nv gieffin Joni | Jngialldßnj | Sem sia m.
  • Þorkell Arngrims | Son. gaf | Jacobo Golio. Anno, 1652.
As the earliest known home of the manuscript is Reykir, it was given the name Reykjabók.


Árni Magnússon aquired the book from Niels Foss in 1707. Árni comments on this on fols 84v-85r in AM 435 a 4to: AM 468 4to: Nials Saga 4to. (bonus Codex). Komin til min fra | Monsieur Niels Foss 1707. hann keypti bokina inter i Hollande in auctio-|ne Golianâ Anno 1696. Enn Golio hefur hana | gefid þorkell Arngrimsson 1652. | Jn Catalogo librorum MStorum Jac. Golii | hic Codex vocatur: Chroricon de Origine Jslandorum et Norvegorum. perperam. framan á bokinne stendr, ad Jngialldr Jllugason hafi gefed hana Jone Jngialldzsyne 1642. | Aptanvid sguna, á sidurstu sidunne, eru nock-|rar visur, med smu hendi sem sagan, | og heyra þær til Sgunnar, og eru undanfelld-|ar sialfri bokinne.

Aðrar upplýsingar


Catalogued 16. ágúst 1999 by EW-J.


In ágúst 1929 12 leaves were re-attached. New pastedown made of parchment was inserted.

From 15 March 1963 to 12 January 1965 the manuscript was restored and given new sewing supports.

Photographed in 1960?.

Supplementary photographs of the binding was taken in 1963-65.

Re-photographed in January and May 1984.

Exhibited in Nordiska Museet in Stockholm 12 September to 22 November 1972..

Exhibited in Malmöhus museum in Malmö 24 April to 11 May 1973.

Myndir af handritinu

  • Plate, plade 18, s.d.
  • Black and white prints, s.d.
  • Plate plade 105 II from between 1963-65 (supplementary photographs of the binding.)
  • Diapositives roll 6, from janúar 1984 and maí 1984


Titill: , Brennu-Njáls saga (Njála)
Ritstjóri / Útgefandi: Finnur Jónsson
Umfang: XIII
Titill: Antiquités Russes
Ritstjóri / Útgefandi: Rafn, C. C.
Höfundur: Einar Ól. Sveinsson
Titill: , Studies in the Manuscript Tradition of Njálssaga
Umfang: XIII
Titill: Brennu-Njáls saga,
Ritstjóri / Útgefandi: Einar Ólafur Sveinsson
Umfang: XII
Titill: Njála I, Íslendínga sögur
Ritstjóri / Útgefandi: Eiríkur Jónsson, Konráð Gíslason
Umfang: III
Titill: Katalog over Den Arnamagnæanske Håndskriftsamling
Ritstjóri / Útgefandi: Kålund, Kristian
Titill: Njáls saga: The Arna-Magnæan Manuscript 468, 4to (Reykjabók),
Ritstjóri / Útgefandi: Jón Helgason
Umfang: XI
Titill: Sagan af Niáli Thorgeirssyni ok Sonvm Hans
Ritstjóri / Útgefandi: Ólafur Olavius
Titill: Nials saga
Ritstjóri / Útgefandi: Suhm, Peter Frederik
Titill: Brennu-Njálssaga
Ritstjóri / Útgefandi: Sveinn Yngvi Egilsson
Titill: Den norsk-islandske skjaldedigtning
Ritstjóri / Útgefandi: Finnur Jónsson
