„ h ann gret þo e igi . ok e r Þorol fr v ar d þ e ssa v ar r letti h ann vpp “
„ e r | þa v oro nyko m n ir t il engl an dz af syrl an di “
Fornmanna sögur I s. 71-306 Ed. S ; II Ed. S ; III s. 1-64 Ed. S
Ólafur Halldórsson, Óláfs saga Tryggvasonar en mesta I s. 73:8-400 Ed. D 1 . The text starts in the footnotes. ; II Ed. D 1
Bjarni Einarsson, Hallfreðar saga 1977 s. 3-21 Fols 18va:13-19rb:10
W. van Eeden, Hallfreðar saga 1919 s. 109-112 (Text A. Fols 18va:13-19va:16); 113 (Text B. Fols 22ra:33-b:11); 113-118 (Text C. Fols 24va:12-25vb:32); 118-123 (Text DE. Fols 28ra:9-29ra); 123-126 (Text G. Fols 48ra-va:34)
„ ÞAt v ar a eini nott at “
„ ok þottí san n az v m lifdaga h an s sva sem h ann sagdí “
Bugge, Söguþáttr af Norna-Gesti
Ólafur Halldórsson, Óláfs saga Tryggvasonar en mesta III s. 15-38 Ed. D 1
Cipolla, Il racconto di Nornagestr s. 227-244
„ her s egir f ra | godm un | di k konvng i | af g l | asisu | ollu m “
„ Þor ir h et m adr e r bío j nor egi “
„ ok hef ir engí | m adr þav sed sida n “
Ólafur Halldórsson, Óláfs saga Tryggvasonar en mesta III s. 38-44 Ed. D 1
ok lykr h er þessi sǫgv etc.
„ h er hef ir færeyíngar þattr “
„ Madr e r nef ndr grimr kamba n “
„ v ar ist [?] segía h enni hvert þ at dit “
Ólafur Halldórsson, Færeyinga saga s. 3-5, 8-11, 13-37, 39-41, 43, 49-67 Bottom text. Ed. D
„ E n e r o lafr k onvng r hafdi skama stvnd v er ít i þ ra ndh eimi “
„ ef þ er hafít adr illa ok oheyrilí -| ga af h onv m g en gít “
Ólafur Halldórsson, Óláfs saga Tryggvasonar en mesta III s. 1-14 Ed. D 1
The part Ólafr konungr braut goð þrænda.
„ Capitulu m “
„ Sva b ar at eítt sín n at har alldr k onvng r | ko m þ ar “
„ ok hafdi h ann m ed ser j hírd sín n í “
Ólafur Halldórsson, Óláfs saga Tryggvasonar en mesta III s. 45-47 Ed. D 1
The part Tryggva Óláfssonar hefnt.
„ sidasti þattr olaf | ssaug | o try | ggua | son ar | n or eg | s k onvn gs “
„ Halldor son snora goda af isl an di v ar m ed har aldi k onvng í sig vr dar s yni “
„ h ann hafdi drep it | h ir dm ann har alldz k onvng s ok hafdi h ann þ vi reidi a h onv m “
Fornmanna sögur III s. 152-163:2 Ed. S
Ólafur Halldórsson, Óláfs saga Tryggvasonar en mesta III s. 47-57 Ed. D 1
„ Sęmilígr ken n í m adr ok godr ar mín n íng ar “
„ v oro þav sam m ędd syskin in hei lagr i | ol afr k onvng r ok fyrnefnd gvn n hillde gvn n hilldr . “
Fornmanna sögur III s. 163:4-172 Ed. S
Ólafur Halldórsson, Óláfs saga Tryggvasonar en mesta III s. 57-64 Ed. D 1
The section Frá Sigurði byskupi.
„ Kapitulum “
„ Sva hef ir brod ir Gvnl avgr ok sagt j latínv “
„ ok ept ir þ at hv ar f þ e ssi syn f ra bresti “
Ólafur Halldórsson, Óláfs saga Tryggvasonar en mesta III s. 65 Ed. D 1
The section Sýn Brestis.
„ Sva segía b rę dr gvnlavgr ok oddr “
„ þ ar sem gízorí þotti þess v id | þvrfa ∴ “
Fornmanna sögur III s. 173:1-13 Ed. S
Ólafur Halldórsson, Óláfs saga Tryggvasonar en mesta III s. 66 Ed. D 1
The section Frá Gunnlaugi ok Oddi.
Parchment .
Foliated in the upper right-hand corner of the recto-pages.
The manuscript consists of five extant quires:
The manuscript is written in double columns each approx. 250 mm x 84 mm with 39 to 42 lines. Majuscules occur in varying colours; shades of yellow, red, green and blue. Traces of gold are detectable here and there, e.g. on fols 3r, 22rb, 29rb, though probably not from true gold-leaf.
Most chapter-titles or division marks are in red, but a few are in blue or blue-black with a greenish tint. In some places, instead of chapter-titles, we find examples of a fish sketched in, and occasionally a kind of spiralling line, e.g. on fol. 3. A single example of a small foliage motive occurs on fol. 2vb:21.
The manuscript is not well-preserved; the beginning is defective and there are lacunae after fols 10, 37 and 47. The extant leaves have all suffered in some degree from wear and exposure to humidity. Many passages are consequently hard to decipher, but there has been no loss of text as such except on fol. 37, where the vellum has crumbled away leaving a large hole in the outer column. The vellum used for the codex was not particularly well prepared. Many leaves have holes or gashes in them, some of them large, which were sewn together before the scribe began the work.
Apart from two short passages, the codex is written in a single hand. It is written in an Icelandic gothic bookhand and the orthography is unusually consistent. The scribe normally left spaces for decorated initials at the beginning of the first two lines of each chapter. It is the work from a practised and doubtless professional scribe, who can be counted among the very best of Icelandic penmen in the fourteenth century. The same writer was responsible for Holm perg 19 4to, and at least a part of AM 122b fol. ( Reykjarfjarðarbók ) .
The second hand wrote fol. 11ra:17-40 fyʀnefndr - ar . The writing here is partly erased and in places almost illegible. It is clear, however, that the orthography and palaeography of this hand is markedly different from the first hand.
The third hand wrote fol. 11rb:11-40 marg ir - ketils . This passage is in a very handsome professional Icelandic gothic bookhand, clearly differentiated from those of hand 1 and hand 2 in appearance but with many orthographic features in common with the latter.
There are also some little drawings in the margins, e.g. fol. 10r : A man with a fish on the hook of his fishing rod; fol. 22r : A kissing couple; fol. 26r : Three knights fighting a dragon who is eating one of them.
There are a few proper marginalia in the codex and some of them are illegible, some can only be read in part.
In his catalogue, AM 394 fol., Jón Sigurðsson writes that AM 62 fol. was bound in a pasteboard binding. This was probably the work of Mattias Larsen Bloch done at some time in the years 1771-73 .
The manuscript was then re-bound three times, first, in the 1880'es and later, in 1934 by Carl Lund . During conservation from 9 March 1981 to 10 July 1984 , the manuscript was rebound by Birgitte Dall in a modern standard half-binding.
The manuscript was written in Iceland at the end of the fourteenth century ( Stefán Karlsson 1970 s. 130 ). Ólafur Halldórsson ( Ólafur Halldórsson 1993 s. 18 ) has suggested that it probably was not written later than c. 1370-80 . Kålund's dating: The fifteenth century ( Katalog I s. 41 ).
According to Ólafur Halldórsson ( The Saga of King Olaf Tryggvason s. 18 ), a note written by bishop Oddur Einarsson in 1612 , now in AM 416 a 4to , fol. 6v, should concern AM 62 fol. If this is true, Oddur borrowed the manuscript from Magnús Hjaltason , and then he in turn lent it to Grimur Ormsson . When Oddur borrowed the manuscript from Magnús, it was in poor shape, but was ruined when it was returned to Oddur: Magnus Hialltaßo n hefur | fyr er lỏngu ljed mi er Olafs | sỏgur lasnar Þær liede | eg Grijme Ormßyne hier | heima vm m veturen n til jdku | nar þa h an n var hia mjer | og fordiarfade h an n þær suo | ad eg h e f ecke getad þ ei m apt ur | skilad þuij þær voru lasn ar | dur. og fundust kueren | eptt er h onu m aptur og fram m | en n þad s e m ept er er af þ ei m | er hier til synes h e f eg | tid þ e tta fyr er Magnuse | og h e fur h an n lofad þ ad skyllde | kuitt þo h an n f ei nge þær all | drej apttur þuj þær være | lijtels verdar. þo eru þær | obitalad ar af mi er til .
Two names are written on fol. 33v: They are those of Páll Fúsason (Vigfússon) ( bal fvsa so n ) and Jón Narfason ( ion narfa so n ), who were doubtless boys when they wrote the sentences. They can be identified as Páll Vigfússon, later lögmaður and living at Hlíðarendi in Fljótshlíð ( 1511-70 ) who was son of Vigfús Erlendsson lögmaður (d. 1521 ). Vigfús had a brother, Narfi, and Narfi’s son Jón must be the other youngster named on fol. 33v of the manuscript. Since the writer of the stanza from Skáld-Helga rímur and what follows it on fol. 32v was also the scribe of the charter AM Fasc. XIII 1, it is evident that the codex was in Eyjafjörður region at the time and probably at Mýrka in Hörgárdalur when the document was written in nóvember 1451 . Further support for the location of the manuscript in the region around Eyjafjörður may be found in the occurrence of the name Guðvardur on fol. 32v. Eyjafjarðarsýsla appears to be the only part of Iceland where this name was in use.
Árni Magnússon gives the following information about the acquisition of the manuscript on a slip at the front of the volume: Þetta fragment true eg hafa | heyrt Skalholltz kirkiu til. | iafnvel þott þad eigi stande | i neinu afhendingar registre. | Eitt quer her ur feck eg ur ỏd -| rum stad en n resten. | S ira Olafur 1699. kallade þad… The sira Ólafur reference is to a list of manuscripts which Jón Vídalín , bishop of Skálholt , sent to Árni in 1699 .
The list, written by sira Ólafur Jónsson ( 1672-1702 ), no longer exists but an extract from it in Árni Magnússon's hand is in AM 435 a 4to , fol. 154r-v: Anno 1699. sende Mag. Jon Th.s. | mier Registur yfir nockrar kalf -| skin n s skrædur, giỏrt af S ira Olafi Jons | syne, sem han n qvadst mier ut -| vegad geta. Þar i bland voru | fragmenta af Olafs Sỏgu Tryggva -| sonar in folio. (a) a] Þetta fragment eignadist eg sidan, er i | storu folio. Item feck eg ur ỏdrum | stad ä Islande nockud sem heyrde þ ar | til, og lagde eg þ ad hier sammanvid .
On fol. 57v in AM 435 a 4to, also in Árni's hand, is the following: Fragmentum af Olafs Sỏgu Tryggvasonar, i storu folio: hefur til forna, öefad, heyrt Skalholltzkirkiu til. Eg feck þetta fragment i tveim stỏdum, ä Islande, nockud þar af Mag. Jone Widalin, og nockud ur ỏdrum stad.
An inventory of property of Skálholt was made when Þórður Þorláksson succeeded as bishop in 1674 . From it Árni Magnússon produced a list of the Icelandic books the cathedral of Skálholt owned at that time, now found on fols 153 and 156 of AM 435a 4to. No. 6 in the list is Olafs saga Helga , here Árni denies that the codex belonged to Skálholt: Þetta mun vera einhvernveigin n mis -| skrifad, þvi eingin Olafs Helga Saga | hefur fylgt Sklholltz kirkiu so mikid sem eg hefe skynia orded. Kyn n e | vera villt mlum, og eiga ad vera | Olafs Tryggvasonar Sỏgu frag -| mentum, ka n skie þad sem er i | stőru folio, og kyn n e þ hafa fyll -| ra vered, þő þad sie og ővïst. | Endelega kyn n e þeir sem afhend | ïnguna giỏrdu, hafa lited skagt til, | og tekid qvi pro qvo.
Ólafur Haldórsson ( The Saga of King Olaf Tryggvason s. 18 ) suggests that it is possible that the codex originally contained the sagas of both kings, Ólafs saga helga and Ólafs saga Tryggvasonar , and that in 1674 it still had at least parts of Ólafs saga helga in it. He asserts that this surmise finds support in the note written by Bishop Oddur Einarsson in 1612 (see above).
Katalogiseret 19. október 1999 af EW-J .
During the restoration 9 March 1981 to 10 July 1984 by Birgitte Dall the leaves were restored and put on meeting guards and the manuscript was rebound in a modern standard half binding.
The manuscript was photographed twice, the first time in 1968 and for the second time 6. ágúst 1992 . The second set of photographs was presumably made for the facsimily-edition.
Supplementary photographs of fols 29-32r and 37, 38r.
In ágúst 1992 photographs in uv-light were taken of fols 1r, 5v, 6r, 9r, 10v, 11r-v, 13r, 20v, 21r-v, 23r, 24v, 25r, 26r, 30r, 33v, 34r, 37v, 38r, 43r, 51v, and 53v.